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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ain’t Everything can be Learnt??

2011/ 2012 sounded too awful for me! I guess 10 years back is better place and opportunity to grow where people tend to put their focus on quality than “quantity”. Life must go on, try to make everything balance toward technology advanced, but then….. money start to be king of everything.

rant, learning, writing, complain, disappointment Raising the small thing, Turning down the bigger one. By 2012 you won’t reach anything without strong foundation of economic sector. Money really works so hard here. When you start to studying, first you have to own money, your ability to catch the lesson is second importance. To be the doctor, the collage is worth so expensive and you could not afford it just by your big curiosity and intelligence. And even to be the employee with medium benefit from reputable company, you need to afford high education before entering the gateway. You won’t be in trouble when your family is strong in financial, but how about the smart student who could not afford for such as high education?? Should he say good bye for sweet dream? Should he give up on the middle of road? Should he pray harder and look up the sky everyday? And when he sent application letter to his dream company, the director will send him rejection letter, “Sorry, kids, You don’t have enough certificate level we need to join our company”.

This is joke. You would never listen the story of “modern” Einstein and the new of ‘Soichiro Honda’ who created magic and inspiring life with their wonderful fight. It seems like people tend to forget that anything can be learn and everyone deserves for the same chance. The same chance.
Let’s look up the sky and see what God will say about this.
abstract, poetry, poem, quotes, wisdom, story, tale, inspiration, motivation 

Photo Credit: akirahbabe(.)blogspot(.)com



At November 1, 2011 at 3:37 PM , Blogger Puteri Kayangan?@#$%???? said...

nice to meet u ..nice blog :)

At November 2, 2011 at 5:21 AM , Blogger Clark Kenty said...

Hello, kaurvaki princess!
Thanks for visiting and congratulations on your blog!
You are always welcome!
You have many cool posts!
Have a nice week!
Best regards!

At November 3, 2011 at 4:06 AM , Blogger Clark Kenty said...

Hi, Princess Kaurvaki!
Thank you very much, for Being my follower!
Congratulations on your blog - I like the pictures on your blog!
A hug!
Best regards!

At November 3, 2011 at 3:17 PM , Blogger Princess Kaurvaki said...

@ My Life's Journey : nice to meet U too, dude ^_^

@ clark lost : welcome, clark! don't forget to put me in your daily visit list ;)

At November 6, 2011 at 1:53 AM , Blogger L.Costel said...

nice blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At November 13, 2011 at 12:28 PM , Blogger Princess Kaurvaki said...

@ L.Costel : thank you for appreciate mine ^_0

At November 16, 2011 at 3:28 PM , Anonymous soccer said...

really nice blog..

At November 19, 2011 at 7:03 AM , Anonymous BlogS of Hariyanto said...

fate, fortune and future of man is God's secret,
a degree is just one way of so many ways to try to reach the future,,
there are many other ways, all of which became a separate option for each person,
certainly, without effort and prayer, all the hopes impossible is achieved with good

At November 30, 2011 at 1:28 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

great site! have a nice wednesday...

At December 3, 2011 at 8:28 AM , Blogger Princess Kaurvaki said...

@ soccer : thank you, my dear ^_^

@ BlogS of Hariyanto : great advice, thanks for encourage me, be blessed brother :)

@ Leolux : have a nice day too for you :)

At December 16, 2011 at 9:19 PM , Anonymous arief ahsan said...

follow u... follow me back... :) thanks before.. don't forget to leave your coment

At December 21, 2011 at 10:14 AM , Blogger Princess Kaurvaki said...

@ Arif Ahsan : done follow back, thank you ^_^

At December 27, 2011 at 12:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe success will always with you :)

At January 3, 2012 at 10:36 AM , Blogger Princess Kaurvaki said...

@ Deganshah Putra : thank you, brother, success for you too :)


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Princess Kaurvaki: Ain’t Everything can be Learnt??

Ain’t Everything can be Learnt??

2011/ 2012 sounded too awful for me! I guess 10 years back is better place and opportunity to grow where people tend to put their focus on quality than “quantity”. Life must go on, try to make everything balance toward technology advanced, but then….. money start to be king of everything.

rant, learning, writing, complain, disappointment Raising the small thing, Turning down the bigger one. By 2012 you won’t reach anything without strong foundation of economic sector. Money really works so hard here. When you start to studying, first you have to own money, your ability to catch the lesson is second importance. To be the doctor, the collage is worth so expensive and you could not afford it just by your big curiosity and intelligence. And even to be the employee with medium benefit from reputable company, you need to afford high education before entering the gateway. You won’t be in trouble when your family is strong in financial, but how about the smart student who could not afford for such as high education?? Should he say good bye for sweet dream? Should he give up on the middle of road? Should he pray harder and look up the sky everyday? And when he sent application letter to his dream company, the director will send him rejection letter, “Sorry, kids, You don’t have enough certificate level we need to join our company”.

This is joke. You would never listen the story of “modern” Einstein and the new of ‘Soichiro Honda’ who created magic and inspiring life with their wonderful fight. It seems like people tend to forget that anything can be learn and everyone deserves for the same chance. The same chance.
Let’s look up the sky and see what God will say about this.
abstract, poetry, poem, quotes, wisdom, story, tale, inspiration, motivation 

Photo Credit: akirahbabe(.)blogspot(.)com
